- Question types (Multiple choice, Mutiple choice – Multi Select, True/False, Fill in the Blanks, Text Entry, Extended Text, Instructions, Word Based, Excel Based, Case Study Based, Image Based, Mathematical Equations, Drawings, Calculator Based & Tables and Graphs)
- Support auto email notifications
- Question randomization
- Question Bank or Question pool or question library
- 7 User modules are available
- Either locked down or Open Book exam option provided with high security
- Individual OTP created for high security and individual student identification
- Invigilator can identify student in the exam centre provided the profile picture available on their screens
- Invigilator can monitor Student
- Instant result
- Role based permissions
- Weighted Auto correction of Questions
- Auto correction and publishing marks for MCQ and True&False questions
- Reports
- LMS Integration available
- Access to word and Excel in a secured exam environment
- Question Branching
- Test scheduling
- User Management
- Customisable question papers
- Program management
- Timer
- Count-down remaining time
- Live view and tracking for invigilator module available
- Audit tool available for tracking all user attempts at any time
- disconnections, delivering a consistent and equitable test-taking experience – whatever the location, whatever the internet connectivity quality.
- Question Flagging and review for students
- Progress summary of the questions for students
- Paper viewing for students with read only
- Calculators
- Picture type questions
- Word and Excel based questions
- Notepad available for extended text
- Reference materials and case studies can be attached
- Answer sheets can be downloaded in case faculty needs to mark off-line
- Turnitin compliant
- LTI integrated IMS member
- Exports results to excel for further review
- Evaluation reports available for below
- Papers marked
- Waiting for marking
- Tests scheduled
- Tests assigned
- Tests assigned for marking
- Role based security
- Online and offline exam writing option for student
- Question paper import option
- Instant, semi instant, Delayed result types available
- Multiple choice multi selection
- Student device registration to make sure student can use one device at a time
- Encrypted answer sheets option
- Auto save for every 20 sec, even if student laptop crashed, they are not losing any data