Business-critical data calls for a high level of security, redundancy and integrity. So it must be stored within a robust infrastructure that can withstand disasters and upheavals. Easy customization and highly operational round the clock security justifies our long-term industry presence. The following practices ensure world class security on UNOX Portal:
- Role based security
- Either locked down or Open Book exam option provided with high security
- Individual OTP created for high security and individual student identification
- Regular Audit and Vulnerability Assessments is done. Incorporation of secure programming codes, designed to meet International standards of development.
- Hybrid security is assured while decoding the encrypted, encoded content on multiple platforms.
- All student identifiable data and other business data, which is not expected to be released outside the organization, is encrypted.
- Data sanitization is performed before moving the production data to Test and Development environment.
- Cryptographic keys associated with the application are kept under safe custody.
- Base line security controls as suggested as best practices are implemented at OS level.